JUNE 1, 2020
In a just society-
All people are respected
In a just society-
All people are protected
In a just society-
All people are treated the same way
Under a just law
In a just society-
No one is above the law
In a thriving community-
All people feel welcome and valued
In a thriving community-
All people can and do contribute
In a thriving community-
All people can express themselves
Go bird-watching
Love who they love
Feel safe where they live
Make art
In a just society and a thriving community-
Black lives matter
Protest is heard
Leaders listen to the people and respond to their needs
Authorities honor their responsibility to the vulnerable
In a just society and a thriving community-
We know that violence is not an answer, especially not when it comes from the government
We, the Co-producing Artistic Directors of TNW Ensemble Theater,
commit to honor and live these values, in our work and in our lives.
And we ask you to join us.